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Dr. Panos Michael Zavos, founder, Andrology Institute of America testifies on Capitol Hill Wednesday, March 28, 2001 before the House subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing on issues raised by human cloning research.
Wednesday March 28, 11:11 PM 
(AP Photo/Stephen J. Boitano)

Human cloning advocate Dr. Zavos of the Andrology Institute of America testifies before the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources on Capitol Hill. 
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
(AP Photo/Dennis Cook)

Dr. Antinori and Dr. Zavos - Intend to use cloning technology to allow infertile couples to have children.
"International Workshop on Human Therapeutic Cloning", University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy, March 9, 2001.

Dr. Zavos, Dr. Avi Ben Abraham and Dr. Boisselier -Testifying before US Congress. March 28, 2001.

Dr. Zavos, Dr. Zarmakoupis-Zavos and Dr. Antinori during a Press Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, where Dr. Zavos and Dr. Antinori announced their intention to clone a human being for reproductive purposes. January 25, 2001.

    © 2018 by Dr. Panayiotis Zavos


    181 Collins Lane • Lexington, KY • 40503, USA
    Phone 859-489-6806; Fax 859-278-6906 

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